What is Sidetone from the Sennheiser MB660?

Updated by Kamika Royal on Mar 22, 2024

Sennheiser MB 660 bluetooth headset with sidetone

Please note: The MB660 is currently discontinued and we do not carry Sennheiser headphones.

Sidetone FAQ

Q: What is sidetone?

A: Sidetone is the audible feedback of your own voice while speaking. It helps you modulate your voice, speaking neither too loudly nor too quietly and gives a more pleasant user experience.

Q: How to change the sidetone with the new firmware?

A: The sidetone level can be changed in the Windows audio mixer by following instructions.

When you have updated the headset you keep the USB cable connected and go into the audio settings in Windows to change the sidetone.

When you have increased the sidetone you can disconnect the USB cable and the headset will remember the new sidetone setting and will work with both USB and Bluetooth connections. Changing sidetone through USB interface is a temporary solution and in a future firmware release it will be possible to change the sidetone in CapTune.

Time for a new headset?

Many Sennheiser MB 660 Customers have switched to the Leitner LH375!

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What is Headset Answers?

This is the internal support database for Headsets.com. We manufacture and sell office headsets in North America. With over 25 years' experience in the business, we know headsets.

Please use our support database for free headset support, whether you’re a Customer of ours (or not). If you have problems, suggestions, or unanswered questions, please email us at hello@headsets.com (compliments also welcomed 😀)

Looking for office headsets in the UK? Check out Headsets.co.uk.
